The Loan Two friends, Sam and Mike, were riding on a bus. Suddenly the bus stopped and bandits got on. The bandits began robbing the passengers. They were taking the passengers’ jewelry and watches. They were taking all their money, too. Sam opened his wallet and took out twenty dollars. He gave the twenty dollars to Mike. “Why are you giving me this money?” Mike asked. “Last week I didn’t have any money, and you loaned me twenty
dollars, remember?” sam said. “Yes, I remember,” Mike said. “I’m paying you back,” Sam said
دو دوست به نام های سام و مایک در حال مسافرت در اتوبوس بودند. ناگهان اتوبوس توقف کرد و یک دسته راهزن وارد اتوبوس شدند. راهزنان شروع به غارت کردن مسافران کردند. آن ها شروع به گرفتن ساعت و اشیاء قیمتی مسافران کردند. ضمنا تمام پول های مسافران را نیز از آن ها می گرفتند. سام کیف پول خود را باز نمود و بیست دلار از آن بیرون آورد. او این بیست دلار را به مایک داد. مایک پرسید: «چرا این پول را به من می دهی؟» سام جواب داد: «یادت می آید هفته گذشته وقتی من پول نداشتم تو به من بیست دلار قرض دادی؟» مایک گفت: «بله، یادم هست.» سام گفت: «من دارم پولت را پس می دهم.»
Hi every body
First of all, let me tell you welcome to our new learning area.
So with this possibility our connection doesn't stop during a week.
We have some rules for the rest of our course.
So it's important to mention them:
It's worthy to say that:
1. We have just 8 online sessions
2. 8th online session will be the exam session
3. For the exam session each student must make ready a project for presenting
4. During the offline sessions, we try to give you the exercises and the documents according to your lessons
5. Be serious about your level, you study Top-Notch 3B, so it's important to study hard