22-09-2020, 08:28 PM
Sami Hafez Annan, former head of the Egyptian army headquarters, has been arrested after announcing he wants to run for a presidential election. The army says the cause of Mr. Annan's arrest was a violation of military principles, but the spokesman for the commander-in-chief of the Egyptian army says he did not commit an error.
At the same time, Egyptian media cites General Annan as a serious challenger to the current president, Abdel Fattah Sisi, saying that if he goes to the ranks, he will have a high chance of defeating Mr. Sisi. Abdel Fattah Sisi, also before the presidency, was the commander of Hosni Mubarak, the deposed president of Egypt.
The Egyptian presidential election is set to be held in March next year. Sami Hafez Annan, who was chairman of the Egyptian Army's Joint Chiefs of Staff between 2005 and 2012, made public appearances on the social networking days a few days ago.
Following this, today the Egyptian army issued a statement broadcast on its state television broadcasting on Gen. Annan's allegation "Serious violations of military duty laws ". As following the announcement, Mr. Anan has been taken to Cairo's Egyptian military prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, spokesman for the former Egyptian army chief told the Reuters news agency that Sami Annan has not violated any law.
At the same time, Egyptian media cites General Annan as a serious challenger to the current president, Abdel Fattah Sisi, saying that if he goes to the ranks, he will have a high chance of defeating Mr. Sisi. Abdel Fattah Sisi, also before the presidency, was the commander of Hosni Mubarak, the deposed president of Egypt.
The Egyptian presidential election is set to be held in March next year. Sami Hafez Annan, who was chairman of the Egyptian Army's Joint Chiefs of Staff between 2005 and 2012, made public appearances on the social networking days a few days ago.
Following this, today the Egyptian army issued a statement broadcast on its state television broadcasting on Gen. Annan's allegation "Serious violations of military duty laws ". As following the announcement, Mr. Anan has been taken to Cairo's Egyptian military prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, spokesman for the former Egyptian army chief told the Reuters news agency that Sami Annan has not violated any law.
سامی حافظ عنان، رییس ستاد مشترک ارتش مصر پس از آنکه اعلام کرد قصد دارد نامزد انتخابات ریاست جمهوری آتی شود بازداشت شد.ارتش می گوید دلیل بازداشت آقای عنان تخطی از قوانین نظامی بوده است اما سخنگوی فرمانده کل ارتش مصراعلام میکند که وی مرتکب خطایی نشده است.
همزمان رسانه های مصری از ژنرال عنان به عنوان رقیب جدی عبدافتاح سیسی رییس جمهور فعلی این کشور یاد می کنند و می گویند که اگر وی پا به عرصه رقابت بگذارد، شانس زیادی برای شکست اقای سیسی خواهد داشت.عبدالفتاح سیسی قبل از ریاست جمهوری فرمانده ارتش حسنی مبارک رییس جمهور مخلوع مصر بوده است.
قرار است انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در ماه مارس سال آینده برگزار شود.سامی حافظ عنان که در سال های 2005 تا 2012 رییس ستاد مشترک ارتش مصر بود چند روز گذشته در شبکه های اجتماعی حضور خود را علنی کرد.
در پی آن، امروزارتش مصر با صدور بیانیه ای که از تلویزیون دولتی این کشور منتشر شد از اتهام ژنرال عنان تحت عنوان" تخطی جدی از قوانین خدمت وظیفه نظامی" یاد کرد. پیرو این بیانیه، آقای عنان بازداشت وبه دفتر دادستانی ارتش مصربرده شده است. در همین زمان سخنگوی این مقام ارشد سابق ارتش مصربه خبرگزاری رویترز گفت سامی عنان هیچ قانونی را زیز پا نگذاشته است .
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