24-09-2020, 09:40 AM
The Prophet Muhammad -PBUH
He was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail the son of Prophet Ibrahim. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born in Mecca. The year was 570 A.D. Shortly after his birth his mother died. His father was already dead before his birth. So he became orphan. During this time his uncle Aboo Talib and his grandfather Abdul-mutlib took care of him. At the age of nine he Started going on trade trips along with his uncle. He met with people of different nations and religions during those trips. His character was respected by all. People throughout Medina including the Jews gave him the name of “The Trustworthy/’. In one of his trips he met a Christian scholar, the scholar said to his uncle that he will one day do something great and I can see it because all the trees, mountains and sea are in the bow in front of him. When he got 25, he got a proposal from Khadija for marriage which he accepted and thus they got married. Khadija was 40 years of a great the time of marriage. His only wife till 50th year of his life was Sayed Khadija. They had sons but they died in their childhood. Prophet Muhammad married Sayyad Aisha when she was 9 years old. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls- It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago. He never ate alone. He invited others and then ate with them. He encouraged the washing of hands before and after eating food. He regularly visited the poor and ill. He used to mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor as well as do the household shopping during his married life. As people of Mecca at that time were involved in many sinful activities, like they killed their daughters, did drinking, and killing of innocent people, Prophet Muhammad did not admire those activities at all and to have solitude and peace he went to cave Hira. Once when he was in the cave Hira he saw Angel Gabriel there. The angel said to him « read in the name of Allah », Prophet Muhammad replied that I can neither read nor write; I am an illiterate. After Angel Gabriel came again with revelations, he started preaching Islam to people. He sent letters to Kings and leaders beyond Arabia inviting them to Islam. Pagans and Non-Muslims did harm to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and other Muslims by different means but Prophet Muhammad had patience and perseverance. His Prophethood lasted for a long period of 23 years, during which he received Revelations from Allah. After 23 years of Prophet-hood Muhammad (p.b.u.h) died and after his death Islam spread to other places too because of the efforts of his Caliphs.
He was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail the son of Prophet Ibrahim. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born in Mecca. The year was 570 A.D. Shortly after his birth his mother died. His father was already dead before his birth. So he became orphan. During this time his uncle Aboo Talib and his grandfather Abdul-mutlib took care of him. At the age of nine he Started going on trade trips along with his uncle. He met with people of different nations and religions during those trips. His character was respected by all. People throughout Medina including the Jews gave him the name of “The Trustworthy/’. In one of his trips he met a Christian scholar, the scholar said to his uncle that he will one day do something great and I can see it because all the trees, mountains and sea are in the bow in front of him. When he got 25, he got a proposal from Khadija for marriage which he accepted and thus they got married. Khadija was 40 years of a great the time of marriage. His only wife till 50th year of his life was Sayed Khadija. They had sons but they died in their childhood. Prophet Muhammad married Sayyad Aisha when she was 9 years old. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls- It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago. He never ate alone. He invited others and then ate with them. He encouraged the washing of hands before and after eating food. He regularly visited the poor and ill. He used to mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor as well as do the household shopping during his married life. As people of Mecca at that time were involved in many sinful activities, like they killed their daughters, did drinking, and killing of innocent people, Prophet Muhammad did not admire those activities at all and to have solitude and peace he went to cave Hira. Once when he was in the cave Hira he saw Angel Gabriel there. The angel said to him « read in the name of Allah », Prophet Muhammad replied that I can neither read nor write; I am an illiterate. After Angel Gabriel came again with revelations, he started preaching Islam to people. He sent letters to Kings and leaders beyond Arabia inviting them to Islam. Pagans and Non-Muslims did harm to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and other Muslims by different means but Prophet Muhammad had patience and perseverance. His Prophethood lasted for a long period of 23 years, during which he received Revelations from Allah. After 23 years of Prophet-hood Muhammad (p.b.u.h) died and after his death Islam spread to other places too because of the efforts of his Caliphs.
پیامبر محمد (صلی الله علیه و آله)
او از نسل و تبار اسماعیل پسرحضرت ابراهیم بود . حضرت محمد (صلی الله عیله وآله) در سال ۵۷۰ بعد از میلاد مسیح در مکه متولد شد. چندی بعد از تولدش مادرش درگذشت. پدرش قبل از تولد وی از دنیا رفته بود و اوبدین سان یتیم شد . در این مدت عموی او ابوطالب و پدربزرگش عبدالمطلب از او نگهداری میکردند. وی د ر نه سالگی به همراه عمویش به سفر های تجاری می رفت. درطی این سفرها بامردمی ازادیان و مذاهب مختلف برخورد می کرد. شخصیت او مورد احترام همگان بود. مردم درسراسر مدینه به اوامین می گفتند.
در یکی از سفر های خود با یک عالم مسیحی آشنا شد. این عالم به عموی ایشان گفت که روزی او کار بزرگی انجام خواهد داد و من میتوانم آن را ببینم زیرا تمام درختان، کوه ها و دریاها در مقابل او سر تعظیم فرود اورده اند. وقتی ۲۵ ساله شد خدیجه به وی پیشنهاد ازدواج داد و ایشان نیز پذیرفتند و به این ترتیب ان ها ازدواج کردند.خدیجه در زمان ازدواج با حضرت چهل ساله بود. تا پنجاه سالگی تنها همسرش بانوخدیجه بوده است. انها فرزندان پسری داشتند که درکودکی از دنیا رفتند. وقتی پیامبرباعایشه ازدواج کرد او نه ساله بود .۱۴۰۰ سال پیش ازدواج دختران جوان بسیار مرسوم بود. این واقعیتی تاریخی است که دختران در اروپا، اسیا و افریقا در سنین ۹ تا 14 سالگی ازدواج میکردند.حتی بیش از یک قرن پیش دختران در آمریکا درده سالگی ازدواج می کردند.پیامبر هرگز به تنهایی غذا نمی خوردند بلکه از دیگران هم دعوت می کردند تا دور هم غذا میل کنند.ایشان مردم را تشویق می کردند تا قبل و بعد از غذا دست هایشان را بشوییند. ایشان مرتب به عیادت فقرا و بیماران می رفتند.ایشان طبق عادت در طول زندگی مشترکشان لباس ها و کفش هایشان را خودشان رفو می کردند، زمین را جارو می زدند و خرید های خانه را انجام میدادند. در ان زمان که مردم مکه به گناهان الوده بودند، دختران را زنده به گور می کردند،شراب می نوشیدند و بیگناهان را به قتل می رساندند، پیامیر هرگز رفتار آنها را نمی پسندید و برای دستیابی به تنهایی و آرامش به غار حرا پناه میبرد. یکبار که در غار حرا بود باجبراییل دیدار کرد.جبراییل به ایشان عرض کرد که "بخوان به نام پروردگارت".پیامبر فرمود که من خواندن و نوشتن نمیدانم و بی سواد هستم. پس ار آنکه جبراییل به همراه وحی بر ایشان نازل شد، پیامبر به تبلیغ اسلام پرداخت. ایشان نامه هایی را به سلاطین و پادشاهان خارج از عربستان فرستادند و انها را به اسلام دعوت کردند. بت پرستان و غیر مسلمانان از طرق مختلفی به پیامبر و مسلمانان ازار می رساندند اما پیامبر صبوری و پشتکار پیشه می کردند.نبوت ایشان بیست و سه سال طول کشید و در طی این سالها پیامبر وحی هایی از جانب خداوند دریافت می نمود. پس از بیست و سه سال نبوت، پیامبر (صل الله علیه و آله) درگذشتند و با تلاش های خلفای پس از ایشان اسلام به سایر نقاط دنیا نیز گسترش یافت.
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