12-09-2020, 08:55 PM
Bad Dreams
"I had another bad dream," she told her fiance. "It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep.
"I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It's a wonder I didn't crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can't take any more dreams like this. We're going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won't be jealous anymore, and I won't have these bad dreams anymore."
"Why didn't you call me up and tell me about your dream?" he asked. "They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you'll stop having them."
She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress.
He didn't know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without stress. He wanted her to be his wife. This was it, she repeated; if she had just one more bad dream, they were through. He squeezed her hand, but said nothing
"I had another bad dream," she told her fiance. "It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep.
"I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It's a wonder I didn't crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can't take any more dreams like this. We're going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won't be jealous anymore, and I won't have these bad dreams anymore."
"Why didn't you call me up and tell me about your dream?" he asked. "They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you'll stop having them."
She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress.
He didn't know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without stress. He wanted her to be his wife. This was it, she repeated; if she had just one more bad dream, they were through. He squeezed her hand, but said nothing
خوابهای بد او به نامزد خود گفت: "من خواب بد دیگری دیدم." "دوباره درمورد تو بود. تو و دوست دختر سابقت داشتیم می بوسیدیم. من فریاد زدم که جلوی این را بگیری. به من نگاه کردی و بعد به من خندیدی! او نیز خندید. سپس هر دو دوباره به بوسیدن برگشتی. سعی کردم تماشا نکنم ، اما وقتی چشمهایم را پوشاندم ، چیزی دستهایم را دور کرد. سعی کردم آنجا را ترک کنم ، اما پاهایم به زمین چسبیده بودند. سرانجام ، من از خواب بیدار شدم. البته بازگشت به آن بسیار دشوار بود خواب. "من امروز صبح مجبور شدم از لاس وگاس به خانه بروم. جای تعجب است که من 50 بار تصادف نکردم. به جای دیدن ترافیک در مقابل من ، تنها چیزی که دیدم تو و او بود. دیگر نمی توانم مانند این رویاها را ببینم ما باید از هم جدا شویم. ما می توانیم دوست باشیم ، اما فقط دوست هستیم. به این ترتیب دیگر حسادت نخواهم کرد و دیگر این رویاهای بد را نخواهم دید. " "چرا مرا صدا نکردی و از رویای خود برایم نگفتی؟" او درخواست کرد. "آنها می گویند هرچه بیشتر درباره خوابهای بد صحبت کنید ، زودتر از دیدن آنها دست می کشید." او مخالف بود او فکر کرد که تنها راه حل این است که جدا شود و فقط دوست باشد. او او را دوست داشت ، اما این آرزوها به قدری مکرر شده بود که او واقعاً از خوابیدن می ترسید. او از استرس کم می کرد و معده درد می گرفت. او نمی دانست چه کاری انجام دهد. او می خواست آرزوهای خوشایندی داشته باشد. او می خواست که او زندگی بدون استرس داشته باشد. او می خواست که همسرش باشد. این تکرار شد اگر او فقط یک رویای بد دیگر دیده بود ، آنها از سر گذراندند. دستش را فشار داد ، اما چیزی نگفت.