تالار گفتگوی کیش تک/ kishtech forum
هفته پنجم کارآموزی - نسخه‌ی قابل چاپ

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هفته پنجم کارآموزی - negar alikhani - 30-10-2019

به روز رسانی اطلاعات زمان ، هزینه و..  همایش‌ها و کلاس‌ها در لیست وبلاگ‌ها

RE: هفته پنجم کارآموزی - evawhite - 24-02-2023

During the fifth week of my internship, I continued to work on projects that are related to my major, such as researching various topics and conducting interviews. I also continued to work with the resume writers Miami to help them create resumes for their clients. I also updated my own resume and prepared for upcoming job interviews.